$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 data, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 deleteCookie, Candy.Util
 disconnect, Candy.Core
 emoticons, Candy.Util.Parser
 emotify, Candy.Util.Parser
 escape, Candy.Util.Parser
 escapeJid, Candy.Util
 fitTabs, Candy.View.Pane.Chat
 forceRedraw, Candy.Util
 get, Candy.Core.ChatRoster
 getAffiliation, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 getAll, Candy.Core.ChatRoster
 getConnection, Candy.Core
 getCookie, Candy.Util
 getCurrent, Candy.View
 getCustomData, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 getEscapedJid, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 getIeVersion, Candy.Util
 GetIgnoreList, Candy.Core.Action.Jabber
 GetJidIfAnonymous, Candy.Core.Action.Jabber
 getMenuLinks, Candy.View.Pane.Context
 getName, Candy.Core.ChatRoom
 getNick, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 getPane, Candy.View.Pane.Room
 getPosLeftAccordingToWindowBounds, Candy.Util
 getPosTopAccordingToWindowBounds, Candy.Util
 getPrivacyList, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 getRole, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 getRoom, Candy.Core
 getRooms, Candy.Core
 getRoster, Candy.Core.ChatRoom
 getStropheStatus, Candy.Core
 getTab, Candy.View.Pane.Chat
 hasFocus, Candy.View.Pane.Window
 hasNicknameChanged, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 hideCloseControl, Candy.View.Pane.Modal
 hideSpinner, Candy.View.Pane.Modal
 IgnoreUnignore, Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room
 ignoreUser, Candy.View.Pane.Room
 infoMessage, Candy.View.Pane.Chat
 initialMenuLinks, Candy.View.Pane.Context
 Invite, Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room
 isAnonymousConnection, Candy.Core
 isEmptyObject, Candy.Util
 isInPrivacyList, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 isModerator, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 iso8610toDate, Candy.Util
 items, Candy.Core.ChatRoster
self.deleteCookie = function(name)
Deletes a cookie with the given name
Disco: function(roomJid)
Requests disco info of a room.
Disco: function(msg)
Sets informations to rooms according to the disco info received.
self.disconnect = function()
Leave all rooms and disconnect
Array containing emoticons to be replaced by their images.
emotify: function(text)
Replaces text-emoticons with their image equivalent.
escape: function(text)
Escapes a text using a jQuery function (like htmlspecialchars in PHP)
self.escapeJid = function(jid)
Escapes a jid (node & resource get escaped)
fitTabs: function()
Fit tab size according to window size
self.forceRedraw = function(elem)
Fix IE7 not redrawing under some circumstances.
this.get = function(jid)
Get user from roster
this.getAffiliation = function()
Gets user affiliation
this.getAll = function()
Get all items
self.getConnection = function()
Gets Strophe connection
self.getCookie = function(name)
Returns the cookie value if there’s one with this name, otherwise returns undefined
self.getCurrent = function()
Get current container & roomJid in an object.
this.getCustomData = function()
Retrieve custom data
this.getEscapedJid = function()
Escapes the user’s jid (node & resource get escaped)
self.getIeVersion = function()
Returns local variable `ie` which you can use to detect which IE version is available.
GetIgnoreList: function()
Get existing ignore privacy list when connecting.
this.getJid = function()
Get room jid
this.getJid = function()
Gets an unescaped user jid
GetJidIfAnonymous: function()
On anonymous login, initially we don’t know the jid and as a result, Candy.Core._user doesn’t have a jid.
getMenuLinks: function(roomJid,
Extends initialMenuLinks with menu links gathered from candy:view.roster.contextmenu
this.getName = function()
Get room name
this.getNick = function()
Gets user nick
self.getOptions = function()
Gets options
self.getOptions = function()
Gets options
getPane: function(roomJid,
Get the chat room pane or a subPane of it (if subPane is specified)
self.getPosLeftAccordingToWindowBounds = function(elem,
Fetches the window width and element width and checks if specified position + element width is bigger than the window width.
self.getPosTopAccordingToWindowBounds = function(elem,
Fetches the window height and element height and checks if specified position + element height is bigger than the window height.
this.getPrivacyList = function(list)
Returns the privacy list of the listname of the param.
this.getRole = function()
Gets user role
self.getRoom = function(roomJid)
Gets a specific room
self.getRooms = function()
Gets all joined rooms
this.getRoster = function()
Get roster
self.getStropheStatus = function()
Get the status set by Strophe.
getTab: function(roomJid)
Get tab by JID.
self.getUser = function()
Gets current user
this.getUser = function()
Get current local user
getUser: function(roomJid)
Get the current user in the room specified with the jid
hasFocus: function()
Checks if window has focus
Gets the previous nickname if available.
hide: function(callback)
Hide modal window
hide: function()
Hide toolbar.
hideCloseControl: function()
Hide the close button
hideSpinner: function()
Hide loading spinner
IgnoreUnignore: function(userJid)
Checks if the user is already ignoring the target user, if yes: unignore him, if no: ignore him.
ignoreUser: function(roomJid,
Ignore specified user and add the ignore icon to the roster item of the user
increaseUnreadMessages: function(roomJid)
Increase unread message count in a tab by one.
increaseUnreadMessages: function()
Increases unread message count in window title by one.
infoMessage: function(roomJid,
Display info message.
self.init = function(service,
Init view & core
self.init = function(service,
Initialize Core.
self.init = function(container,
Initialize chat view (setup DOM, register handlers & observers)
init: function()
Initialize context menu and setup mouseleave handler.
init: function(roomJid,
Initialize a new room and inserts the room html into the DOM
init: function()
Register handler and enable or disable sound and status messages.
initialMenuLinks: function()
Invite: function(roomJid,
Sends an invite stanza to multiple JIDs
self.isAnonymousConnection = function()
Returns true if Candy.Core.connect was first called with a domain instead of a jid as the first param.
self.isEmptyObject = function(obj)
IE7 doesn’t work with jQuery.isEmptyObject (<=1.5.1), workaround.
this.isInPrivacyList = function(list,
Tests if this user ignores the user provided by jid.
this.isModerator = function()
Check if user is moderator.
Parses a ISO-8610 Date to a Date-Object.
Roster items