$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 _addNamespace, Candy.Core
 _addNamespaces, Candy.Core
 _delegateTooltips, Candy.View
 _initToolbar, Candy.View
 _registerObservers, Candy.View
 _registerWindowHandlers, Candy.View
 _setupTranslation, Candy.View
 about, Candy
 add, Candy.Core.ChatRoster
 addHandler, Candy.Core
 addIgnoreIcon, Candy.View.Pane.Room
 addTab, Candy.View.Pane.Chat
 addToOrRemoveFromPrivacyList, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 adminMessage, Candy.View.Pane.Chat
 all, Candy.Util.Parser
 allTabsClosed, Candy.View.Pane.Chat
 appendToMessagePane, Candy.View.Pane.Room
 attach, Candy.Core
 autojoin, Candy.Core
 autoscroll, Candy.View.Pane.Window
 Bookmarks, Candy.Core.Event.Jabber
 changeDataUserJidIfUserIsMe, Candy.View.Pane.Room
 changeNick, Candy.View.Pane.PrivateRoom
 close, Candy.View.Pane.Room
 connect, Candy.Core
 Connect, Candy.Core.Event.Strophe
 Connection, Candy.View.Observer.Chat
 Constants, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 cookieExists, Candy.Util
 createHtml, Candy.Util.Parser
 crop, Candy.Util
Adds a namespace.
Adds namespaces needed by Candy.
Delegate mouseenter on tooltipified element to
Initialize toolbar.
Register observers.
Register window focus / blur / resize handlers.
Set dictionary using jQuery.i18n plugin.
About candy
this.add = function(user)
Add user to roster
self.addHandler = function(handler,
Wrapper for Strophe.Connection.addHandler() to add a stanza handler for the connection.
addIgnoreIcon: function(roomJid,
Add the ignore icon to the roster item of the specified user
addTab: function(roomJid,
Add a tab to the chat pane.
this.addToOrRemoveFromPrivacyList = function(list,
Convenience function for adding/removing users from ignore list.
adminMessage: function(subject,
Display admin message
Affiliation owner
all: function(text)
Does everything of the parser: escaping, linkifying and emotifying.
allTabsClosed: function()
All tabs closed event: Disconnect from service.
appendToMessagePane: function(roomJid,
Append a new message to the message pane.
self.attach = function(jid,
Attach an already binded & connected session to the server
autojoin: undefined
If set to `true` try to get the bookmarks and autojoin the rooms (supported by ejabberd, Openfire).
autoscroll: true
Boolean whether autoscroll is enabled
Bookmarks: function(msg)
Acts on a bookmarks event.
Candy base class for initalizing the view and the core
Candy Chat Core
Chat Actions (basicly a abstraction of Jabber commands)
Jabber actions
Room-specific commands
Room administration commands
Candy Chat Room
Chat Roster
Chat User
Chat Events
Jabber related events
Room specific events
Strophe-related events
Candy utils
Parser for emoticons, links and also supports escaping.
The Candy View Class
Observes Candy core events
Displays an error about missing autojoin information
Chat events
Presence update events
Candy view pane handles everything regarding DOM updates etc.
Chat-View related view updates
Context menu for actions and settings
Message submit/show handling
Modal window
Private room handling
Everything which belongs to room view things belongs here.
Chat toolbar for things like emoticons toolbar, room management etc.
Class to display tooltips over specific elements
Window related view updates
Contains mustache.js templates
Contains translations
Triggered when no autojoin information has been found
Triggered before a connection attempt is made.
Connection status updates
Admin message
Server message (e.g.
Triggered when the login window should be displayed
Triggers on various message events (subject changed, private chat message, multi-user chat message).
Triggers on any recieved chatstate notification.
Presence updates.
Triggered when a presence error happened
When the local client leaves a room
Room presence updates
Incoming chat invite for a MUC.
Messages with the type attribute of normal or those that do not have the optional type attribute.
Messages with a type other than the ones listed in RFC3921 section 2.1.1.
After admin message display
Using this event, you can alter the default Candy (View) behaviour when reacting to connection updates.
Triggered after showing a message
Before rendering the message element
Before sending a message
Before showing a new message
Presence update when kicked or banned
After opening a new private room
Before opening a new private room
After initialising a room
After closing a room
After hiding a room
After showing a room
After changing the subject of a room
Before initialising a room
After context menu display
After updating a room’s roster
Before updating the roster of a room
Modify existing menu links (add links)
changeDataUserJidIfUserIsMe: function(roomId,
Changes the room’s data-userjid attribute if the specified user is the current user.
changeNick: function changeNick(roomJid,
Changes the nick for every private room opened with this roomJid.
clearUnreadMessages: function(roomJid)
Clear unread message count in a tab.
clearUnreadMessages: function()
Clear unread message count in window title.
close: function(roomJid)
Close a room and remove everything in the DOM belonging to this room.
self.connect = function(jidOrHost,
Connect to the jabber host.
Connect: function(status)
Acts on strophe status events and notifies view.
Connection: function(event,
The update method gets called whenever an event to which “Chat” is subscribed.
self.cookieExists = function(name)
Tests if a cookie with the given name exists
self.createHtml = function(elem,
Copy an HTML DOM element into an XML DOM.
self.crop = function(str,
Crop a string with the specified length