Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 IgnoreUnignore, Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room
 ignoreUser, Candy.View.Pane.Room
 infoMessage, Candy.View.Pane.Chat
 initialMenuLinks, Candy.View.Pane.Context
 Invite, Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room
 isAnonymousConnection, Candy.Core
 isEmptyObject, Candy.Util
 isInPrivacyList, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 isModerator, Candy.Core.ChatUser
 iso8610toDate, Candy.Util
 jidToId, Candy.Util
 Join, Candy.Core.Action.Jabber.Room
 joinAnimation, Candy.View.Pane.PrivateRoom
 leaveAnimation, Candy.View.Pane.PrivateRoom
 linkify, Candy.Util.Parser
 localizedTime, Candy.Util
 log, Candy.Core
 nl2br, Candy.Util.Parser
 notifyPrivateChats, Candy.View.Observer.Presence
 onAutoscrollControlClick, Candy.View.Pane.Toolbar
 onBlur, Candy.View.Pane.Window
 onFocus, Candy.View.Pane.Window
 onInfoMessage, Candy.View.Pane.Chat
 onPlaySound, Candy.View.Pane.Toolbar
 onScrollToBottom, Candy.View.Pane.Room
 onScrollToStoredPosition, Candy.View.Pane.Room
 onSoundControlClick, Candy.View.Pane.Toolbar
 onStatusMessageControlClick, Candy.View.Pane.Toolbar
 onWindowUnload, Candy.Core
 open, Candy.View.Pane.PrivateRoom
 parseAndCropXhtml, Candy.Util
 playSound, Candy.View.Pane.Toolbar
 PrivacyList, Candy.Core.Event.Jabber
 PrivacyListError, Candy.Core.Event.Jabber
 rawInput, Candy.Core
 reduceUnreadMessages, Candy.View.Pane.Window
 registerEventHandlers, Candy.Core
 remove, Candy.Core.ChatRoster
 removeIgnoreIcon, Candy.View.Pane.Room
 RemoveIgnoreList, Candy.Core.Action.Jabber
 removeRoom, Candy.Core
 removeTab, Candy.View.Pane.Chat
 renderUnreadMessages, Candy.View.Pane.Window
 ResetIgnoreList, Candy.Core.Action.Jabber
 Roster, Candy.Core.Action.Jabber
IgnoreUnignore: function(userJid)
Checks if the user is already ignoring the target user, if yes: unignore him, if no: ignore him.
ignoreUser: function(roomJid,
Ignore specified user and add the ignore icon to the roster item of the user
increaseUnreadMessages: function(roomJid)
Increase unread message count in a tab by one.
increaseUnreadMessages: function()
Increases unread message count in window title by one.
infoMessage: function(roomJid,
Display info message.
self.init = function(service,
Init view & core
self.init = function(service,
Initialize Core.
self.init = function(container,
Initialize chat view (setup DOM, register handlers & observers)
init: function()
Initialize context menu and setup mouseleave handler.
init: function(roomJid,
Initialize a new room and inserts the room html into the DOM
init: function()
Register handler and enable or disable sound and status messages.
initialMenuLinks: function()
Invite: function(roomJid,
Sends an invite stanza to multiple JIDs
self.isAnonymousConnection = function()
Returns true if Candy.Core.connect was first called with a domain instead of a jid as the first param.
self.isEmptyObject = function(obj)
IE7 doesn’t work with jQuery.isEmptyObject (<=1.5.1), workaround.
this.isInPrivacyList = function(list,
Tests if this user ignores the user provided by jid.
this.isModerator = function()
Check if user is moderator.
Parses a ISO-8610 Date to a Date-Object.
self.jidToId = function(jid)
Translates a jid to a MD5-Id
Join: function(roomJid,
Requests disco of specified room and joins afterwards.
joinAnimation: function(elementId)
Animates specified elementId on join
Leave: function(roomJid)
Leaves a room.
Leave: function(msg)
Leaves a room and cleans up related data and notifies view.
leaveAnimation: function(elementId)
Leave animation for specified element id and removes the DOM element on completion.
linkify: function(text)
Replaces URLs with a HTML-link.
self.localizedTime = function(dateTime)
Localizes ISO-8610 Date with the time/dateformat specified in the translation.
self.log = function()
Overridden to do something useful if debug is set to true.
self.Login = function(presetJid)
Notify view that the login window should be displayed
The login event gets dispatched to this method
Message: function(roomJid,
Send message
Message: function(msg)
Acts on room, admin and server messages and notifies the view if required.
Message: function(msg)
Acts on various message events (subject changed, private chat message, multi-user chat message) and notifies view.
Message: function(event,
Dispatches admin and info messages
Messages received get dispatched from this method.
nl2br: function(text)
replaces newline characters with a br/ to make multi line messages look nice
notifyPrivateChats: function(user,
Notify private user chats if existing
onAutoscrollControlClick: function()
Autoscroll control event handler.
onBlur: function()
Window blur event handler.
onFocus: function()
Window focus event handler.
onInfoMessage: function(roomJid,
Display info message.
onPlaySound: function()
Sound play event handler.
onScrollToBottom: function(roomJid)
Scrolls to the latest message received/sent.
onScrollToStoredPosition: function(roomJid)
When autoscroll is off, the position where the scrollbar is has to be stored for each room, because it otherwise goes to the top in the message window.
onSoundControlClick: function()
Sound control click event handler.
onStatusMessageControlClick: function()
Status message control event handler.
self.onWindowUnload = function()
window.onbeforeunload event which disconnects the client from the Jabber server.
open: function(roomJid,
Opens a new private room
self.parseAndCropXhtml = function(str,
Parses the XHTML and applies various Candy related filters to it.
playSound: function()
Play sound (default method).
Presence: function(attr,
Sends a request for presence
Presence: function(msg)
Acts on a presence event
Presence: function(msg)
Acts on various presence messages (room leaving, room joining, error presence) and notifies view.
PresenceError: function(msg)
Acts when a presence of type error has been retrieved.
Presence errors get handled in this method
PrivacyList: function(msg)
Acts on a privacy list event and sets up the current privacy list of this user.
PrivacyListError: function(msg)
Acts when a privacy list error has been received.
self.rawInput = function(data)
(Overridden from Strophe.Connection.rawInput)
reduceUnreadMessages: function(num)
Reduce unread message count in window title by `num`.
self.registerEventHandlers = function()
Adds listening handlers to the connection.
this.remove = function(jid)
Remove user from roster
removeIgnoreIcon: function(roomJid,
Remove the ignore icon to the roster item of the specified user
RemoveIgnoreList: function()
Remove an existing ignore list.
self.removeRoom = function(roomJid)
Removes a room from the rooms list
removeTab: function(roomJid)
Remove tab element.
renderUnreadMessages: function(count)
Update window title to show message count.
ResetIgnoreList: function()
Create new ignore privacy list (and reset the previous one, if it exists).
Roster: function()
Sends a request for a roster